Ask us about the following interventions that are available for implementation as required, in communities that the PMI has intervened in:
1. Counselling with a Social Worker.
2. Life skills training
3. Peace Officers to help prevent or interrupt conflict before it escalates.
4. Introduction of Peace Officers to help to prevent or interrupt conflict before it escalates.
5. Establishing a Community Code of Conduct.
6. Training and supervising conflict mediation groups.
7. Conducting peace building forums.
8. Training and certifying community residents as mediators to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
9. Conducting conflict resolution and anger management sessions with each community.
10. Assisting in providing vocational training in partnership with HEART TRUST and National Youth Service.
Does your community need PMI Western?
Here is a check list to help you determine if you need PMI Western:
Your community is located in Western Jamaica.
Your community is currently ‘under siege’ by rival gangsters and criminals.
Your community is divided politically or socially, and this prevents persons from freely going about their everyday business.
There are strong indications that gang, political warfare or criminality is about to explode in your community.
Your community is in need of a mechanism to sustain the peace.
You are aware of any individual in need of social worker support.
Our team of Social Workers will visit and work closely with you to identify, analyze and make suggestions for the most appropriate forms of intervention. We will listen closely to your concerns and hold them in the strictest confidence.